Chess Main | JSBachFOA.Org

Chess Main

  1. A Simple Way to Play Chess Well
    1. Square Counting
    2. Things You Need to Know
      1. Appendix 1 - Notation
      2. Appendix 2 - Reference Games (Square Counting)
        1. Appendix 2a
        2. Appendix 2b
      3. Appendix 3 - Endgames
      4. Appendix 4 - Openings
      5. Appendix 5 - Middlegame (Classical)
      6. Appendix 6 - Tactics and Mates
        1. Appendix 6a - Checkmates
        2. Appendix 6b - Basic Combinations
        3. Appendix 6c
      7. Appendix 7 - Suggestions
  2. How to Sort and Gather PGN Files by Opening Moves